2024-05-15 14:03:56|已浏览:248次
This week,I want you to discuss assessmentcriteria.Some school teachers give high grades(marks)only to those students who perform wellon their homework assignments and tests.Other teachers,however,may give high grades tostudents who have worked very hard on their assignments but have not performed so well.Which approach do you think is better:Giving grades based only on performance,or grading students not just on performance but also on their effort?
allot time分配时间
task at hand手头的任务
reinforce important points加强重点
private tutor家教
evaluate pros and cons权衡利弊
reinforce concepts强化概念
tackle the problems解决问题
exploratory learning探索式学习
benefits from...从...受益
learn in one lumo单次学习
Let's continue talking about consumer behavior.We have been discussing different ways people goabout choosing what products to buy,and thereare many potetial sources of information andadvice for consumers.In your opinion,which is the better strategy for making purchasing decisions,relying on advice from friends and family.or depending on information from online sources?Why?
emotional attachment情感依恋
overlapping interest相同的兴趣
remian in touch保持联系
take...for granted认为...理所应当
day-to-day expenditures日常繁重无聊的工作
splurge on expenditures挥霍
honor code诚信守则
take...for granted认为理所当然
do chores做家务
Let's think about population trends in urban andrural areas(villages).Living in urban areas can be expensive;nonetheless,when they have a choiceof where to live,people in some countries do not wish to live in rural areas even if the cost of living there is lower.lf governments of some countries want to attract more people to live in rural areas or villages,what is the best strategy or approach that governments can use?Why?
lofty ideal崇高的理想
pressing basic needs迫切的基本需求
decent career体面的职业
strive to争取
undersea oil leakage海底石油泄漏
traffic congestion交通堵塞
gain a competitive edge over other students获得比其他学生更具竞争力的优势
daily necessities日常必需品
essential needs基本需求
financial assistance经济补助
tangible reminder有形的提醒
outlive one's usefulness失去效用
We've been discussing the importance of hiring and retaining highly skilled employees,but even the best employees may need to periodically update or further develop their work skills.Onequestion facing managers is how much time and money to invest in improving the work skills oftheir employees.Some managers argue that ongoing employee training is the most important investment a company can make.What are your thoughts on the matter?
build up a clientele建立客户群
hand out filters分发传单
potential customers潜在的客户
smooth social interactions顺畅的社会互动
constructive advice建设性意见
drain group resource消耗团队资源
lay a solid foundation for为...奠定坚实基础
have given notice about leaving已经提出了离职
enhance employees'satisfaction提高员工满意度
rush through匆忙处理