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2024-04-02 15:41:37|已浏览:83次


1.in the Chinese lunar calendar 在中国农历中

2.Each of the animal signs represents a lunar year.


★represent = stand for 代表;象征

Eg: The moon represents my heart. 月亮代表我的心。

3.appear in a fixed order 以固定的次序出现

★appear(vi.) 出现 → appearance (n.) 出现

make one's final appearance 最后一次露面

disappear (vi.) 消失 → disappearance (n.) 消失

★appear (作系动词:呈现)eg: appear red 呈现红色

4.The cycle repeats every 12 years. 这个循环每12年重复一次。


living 形容词:活着的(常作定语修饰名词,也可作表语构成系表结构)

alive 形容词:活着的(只能作表语构成系表结构,不能作定语修饰名词)

lively 形容词:生动的、充满生机的(形容课堂、城市等)

live 形容词:直播的 a live football match / be covered live

6.People born under the same animal sign may have similar personalities.【过去分词短语作后置定语】

=People who are born under the same animal sign may have similar personalities. 【定语从句】


【回顾】be similar to … 与… 相似

7.in all 总共,总计; above all 最重要的是; after all 毕竟、终究; first of all 首先;

at all根本;not ...at all根本不; of all 在所有当中

8.depend on your date of birth 取决于你的出生日期

9.people born in the Year of the Rabbit 出生在兔年的人 【过去分词短语作后置定语】

10.A year is divided into a cycle of twelve star signs. 一年被分成十二星座的一次循环。

★divide .... into.....把......分成......

①Please divide the apple into 4 parts. 【主动】

②A year is divided into four seasons. 【被动】

11.read about them just for fun 读它们仅仅是为了取乐

12.It is you who shape your life and future. 正是你塑造了你的生活和未来。

It is + 被强调的部分 + that/who + 句子其它成分。 → → 构成强调句型

(强调部分是人用who, 强调部分是物或其它用that)

13.It is said that people born in the Year of the Tiger are brave.

①It is said…+ that主语从句 意为:据说…

②It is reported…+ that主语从句 意为:据报道…

14.What it says about me may be true. 【主语从句】

15.in some ways 在某些方面;在某种程度上

16.That’s not the case. 事实并不是那样。

17. get angry easily 很容易生气

18.believe in sb. = trust sb. 信任某人

【believe his words =believe what he says相信他的话】


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