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2024-03-26 15:21:30|已浏览:71次


下面就Unit 4中涉及的话题进行了梳理,以保障同学们在书面表达考试中做到游刃有余。







5. 根据不同场所选择恰当内容描述规章制度


1. Don’t do…

2. be strict with…

3. I have to…after breakfast/dinner

4. be on time

5. be quiet



1. I can’t/Don’t arrive late for class.

2. I can’t/Don’t run in the hallways.

3. I can’t/Don’t eat in the classroom.

4. I can’t/Don’t listen to music in class.

5. I can’t/Don’t fight with classmates.

6. We must be on time.

7. We must wear the school uniform.

8. We have to be quiet in the library.

9. I must keep my hair short.


1. I can’t play basketball after school.

2. I must do my homework.

3. I must read a book before I can watch TV.

4. I have to go to bed before 10:00.

5. I must get up at 6:00.

6. I can’t go out on school nights.

7. I can’t see my friends.

8. I must practice the guitar before dinner.

9. I have to do the dishes after the dinner.

10. I must clean my room.


1. There are too many rules in my school/family/class .

2. We have to follow the rules.

3. They make rules to help us.

4. I’m not happy for the rules.

5. The rules are useful to us.

6. I think the rules are important to me.


假如你是Jack, 你所在的班级班规严格,请你介绍一下你们的班规(60词左右)


1. 开篇点题(用一句话引出下文,统领全篇)

2. 叙述班规(从多方面介绍有哪些班规)

3. 评价班规(说出自己对班规的看法)

4. 发出倡议(引导大家遵守班规)

There are many rules in my class. Let me tell you the rules in my class.(引出下文)

We have to get to school at 7:30 in the morning, we can’t arrive late for class. We must be quiet and listen carefully in class, and we have to finish our homework on time. We can’t fight with our classmates, so we must be friendly to each other.We must wear the school uniform and keep our hair short.(多方面叙述班规)

Teachers are strict with us, but they make the rules to help us study well.(评价班规)

The rules are useful to us, so we must follow them. Do you think so?(发出倡议)


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