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2024-02-20 11:22:04|已浏览:59次

#头条抄书打卡# 第317天


九年级下 Hh and Ii and Jj

hang vi. 垂下;悬挂

Whose hat is hanging there? 挂在那儿的是谁的帽子?


happen to phr. 碰巧

If anything should happen to you, follow my advice. 万一你碰上什么意外,照我的话去做。

happen to hear 偷听

helmet n. 头盔

The man on the motorcycle wore a helmet. 骑摩托车的人戴了一顶头盔。

Hindi n. 印地语

His special language sounds a bit like the Hindi. 那特殊的语言听起来有一点像印度语。

hire vt. 租用;雇用

We can hire bikes for a day to explore the town. 我们可以租用自行车一天来游览这城镇。

hold vi. (打电话时)等待,不挂断

That extension is busy right now. Can you hold? 分机现在占线。您能等一会吗?


hunger n. 饥饿

A lot of people in the world are suffering from hunger. 世界上很多人正在饱受饥饿折磨。


hybrid adj. 杂交的

The yield of hybrid rice per mu exceeds that of ordinary rice by 15 to 20 percent. 杂交水稻的亩产量超过普通水稻百分之十五至二十。

in general phr. 总的来说;大体上

In general, physics is only one science among many. 大体上说,物理学只是许多学科中的一门学科。

in the form of phr. 以......的形式

The story was told in the form of letters. 这个故事是以一组书信的形式叙述的。

in the form of pills 呈现药片的形状

in the middle of phr. 在.....中间

Their apartment is slap bang in the middle of town. 他们住的公寓恰巧在全城的中心。

in the middle of China 中国的中部

increase vt. 增加


We must increase our output to meet demand. 我们必须提高产量满足需求。


increase n. 增加


Italy has witnessed a sharp increase in immigration in recent years. 近年来,意大利移民人数急剧增加。

Wide reading will increase your vocabulary. 博览群书会增加你的词汇量。

Indian adj. 印度(人)的

The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life. 种姓制度几乎影响着印度生活的方方面面。

Indian cuisine 印度菜 ; 印度料理

interplanetary adj. 行星间的

By definition, interplanetary travel is travel between bodies in a given star system. 星系旅行是指在给定的行星系统内在不同星体间的旅行。

invent vt. 发明

in(upon)+vent(come) →发明

The fact was that China was the first country to invent paper. 事实是中国是第一个发明纸的国家。


invention n. 发明物;创意


The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era. 计算机的发明标志着一个新时代的开始。

Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要是发明之母。

inventor n. 发明者


Edison was famous as a great inventor. 爱迪生作为一位伟大的发明家而闻名。

iron n. 铁

This basin is made of iron. 这个盆子是铁做的。

iron vt. 熨烫

Tom didn't iron his shirt yesterday. 汤姆昨天没有熨衬衣。


IT abbr. 信息技术

IT is an abbreviation for information technology. IT是 information technology 的缩写。

Let It Be 顺其自然

Italian n. 意大利人

The person I spoke to turned out to be an Italian. 跟我说话的那个人原来是意大利人。

Italian pizza is very popular in China. 意大利的比萨饼在中国很受欢迎。

Japanese adj. 日本(人)的


It is Japanese custom not to wear shoes in the home. 在屋子里不穿鞋是日本人的习惯。


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