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2023-07-12 16:01:54|已浏览:119次

剑桥雅思13Test2雅思阅读passage 2真题+解析(2) 关于这个问题下面小编就来为各个考生解答下。

剑桥雅思13Test2雅思阅读passage 2真题+解析(2)

Questions 18-23

Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 18-23 on your answer sheet.

Research into how parents talk to babies

Researchers at Washington State University used 18.................... ,together with specialised computer programs, to analyse how parents interacted with their babies during a normal day. The study revealed that 19.................... tended not to modify their ordinary speech patterns when interacting with their babies. According to an idea known as the 20.................... ,they may use a more adult type of speech to prepare infants for the language they will hear outside the family home. According to the researchers, hearing baby talk from one parent and ‘normal,language from the other expands the baby's 21.................... of types of speech which they can practise.

Meanwhile, another study carried out by scientists from the University of Washington and the University of Connecticut recorded speech and sound using special 22.................... that the babies were equipped with. When they studied the babies again at age two, they found that those who had heard a lot of baby talk in infancy had a much larger 23.................... than those who had not.

考题解析 Questions 18-23

●题目归类: Matching

该题型为人名匹配观点题,是 Matching题中较为简单的一种。人名观点配对题会出现两个 Lists:一个ist为人名(或国名、机构等)的iist,以文章顺序出现;另一个list为此人对文章话题的观点(或事迹、国家的发明创造等)。在做题中,以人名为定位词,读到个人名,对照着观点list来寻找同义替换的选项。注意:1、人名配观点题不可只读人名出现那一句,很可能在那一句中只交代了此人做了什么实验和调研,其观点出现在更后面的部分;2、某个人名可能会出现不止一次,每读到她/他的一个观点,就要去题目列表中找寻有没有可选答案,避免错过,也可以在审题过程中将观点列表的关键字划出,这样在原文中读到该观点的同?替换时,能够多引起注意。



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