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剑16Test3口语part3参考范文 剑16test1口语


2023-07-03 16:01:19|已浏览:29次

剑16Test3口语part3参考范文 《剑雅》系列作为雅思考试的官方指南,雅思考试风向标。关于这个问题平台就来为各个考生解答下。


1. Which expensive items would many young people ( in your country) like to buy?

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In China, most people my age want to buy expensive clothes, you know like Chanel or Burberry. For my girlfriend, she also likes buying foreign make-up. Her favourite brands are Estee Lauder and Chanel. It seems that there's a product from each of the different brands that she prefers. I don't entirely understand it myself, but there you go.

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I would say clothes and accessories. I frequently go out window shopping ( 只逛不 买 ) with my friends, and we all imagine wearing the latest fashion, like Gucci or Prada or maybe buying some Cartier watches. Now that these kinds of product are now available, ifs a dream of many of my generation to be able to afford them

2. How do the expensive items that younger people want to buy differ from those that older people want to buy?

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Well, I think it comes down to the amount of money. What I mean is, older people are going to buy luxury houses or cars, as weU as maybe clothes. I suppose they buy things for their family rather than just for themselves.

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Not all that much. I know that my Mum would also like to buy some of the foreign luxury brands. We've often spoken about having the money to just blow it all on outfits, makeup and perfiime. I suppose older people might have more of a variety of things they want to buy;For example, I would never buy a TV or furniture or other things for a household, whereas my parents would.

3. Do you think that people are more likely to buy expensive items for their friends or for themselves?

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That's an interesting question. I suppose it depends on the person and what they consider expensive, td certainly buy quality goods for my friends that may, by some, be considered expensive, but I'd also buy them for myself. Overall, I spend more on my girlfriend and me than other people though, with the possible exception of my parents.

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For themselves, I think. Although people can be very generous, I think they will always look after their own family first. For example, I might spend a few hundred RMB on a present for a friend, but I might spend a thousand on something for my mother or father.

4. How difficult is it to become very rich in today's world?


think no more or less than previously. There are still comparatively few billionaires in the world, more millionaires, I suppose. Still, I think thafs more to do with house prices and inflation than anything else. If you bought a house for 100,000 RMB twenty years ago, it's probably worth 2 or 3 million by now. But VERY rich, I think it's just as hard as ever.

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I suppose that depends on who you are and what you can do. If you work really hard and can think of a good idea, you could probably become rich quite easUy. I realise that it can't be quite that easy, but Im an optimist by nature and grew up believing that I can do anything I put my mind to. I suppose a little bit of luck wouldn't hurt either.

5, Do you agree that money does not necessarily bring happiness?

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I've heard of a saying from the West that money can't buy happiness. Personally, Ithink they're wrong; I think it can. I know for a fact that buying a PS5 will make me happy for a long time. My joy with my PS4 has lasted more than 5 years; I'm expecting the PS5 to do the same.

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Yes, completely. Money can't buy a mother's love, it can't buy real friendship and it Can t buy peace of mind. I know that many people think that if you,re rich, you're happy, but I don't think that's always the case. It might be able to help in certain circumstances, but not always.

6. In what ways might rich people use their money to help society?

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Again, it kind of depends on the level of rich. If you're talking Bill Gates or Jack Manch, then just by developing the companies that they have, they have already helped society in a number of ways. I know that many of the super-rich have philanthropic ventures together with charities and foundations to help those less fortunate.

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I think there are many ways that they can use their fortune to help others. Helping build schools or hospitals would be a good start, and I know that some people do this; the Bill and Melinda Foundation would be a good example. But I think they can Use 也山 money to help others as they see fit ( 认为合适) .They can help others as they see fit, as long as they help


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