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2018.8.25雅思阅读真题 2018年雅思阅读真题


2023-07-02 16:02:22|已浏览:45次

2018.8.25雅思阅读真题 关于这个问题平台就来为各个考生解答下。

Passage 1

题目:新西兰女作家 Katherine Mansfield

题型:7 判断题+6 表格填空题




1. 作者的笔名是原名:False

2. 作者在女王学院上学时不受欢迎:False

3. 作者在女王学院上学时萌生当作家的想法:False

4. 小说中对毛利人的描述是 favorable way: True

5. 作品获奖了:Not Given

6. /

7. 作者在伦敦时对政治不感兴趣:True


8. 1906

9. Australia

10. family (对家庭和当地生活厌倦了)

11. bankruptcy

12. writers

13. reputation

14. husband

Passage 2

题目: Parrots of Australia

题型:6 段落信息配对题+3 选择题+4 填空题



第一段和第二段说一共有 300 多种鹦鹉的种类,其中在澳大利亚就有几分之几,有一个制造地图的人,他把澳大利亚描述成为非常多鹦鹉的地方;一个艺术家画家,他也描述了澳大利亚鹦鹉的多样性。这两段就是填空。

为什么会有那么多鹦鹉在澳大利亚。因为在一开始南半球只有一块大陆,后来裂开才分开 3 个,南半球有很多鹦鹉的祖先,因此这就是为什么现在鹦鹉大多在南半球。









15. 一个关于别的物种影响另外的物种的例子:I

16. two species:F

17. 食物的颜色会为了适应动物而变化:G

18. 南半球适合鹦鹉生存:J

19. The varied Australia landscape 是的鹦鹉种类很多:C


20. 关于鹦鹉起源:

C. in the continent which split up

21. parrot beaks:

D. adjust to their suitable diet

22. Box-nesting 的缺点没有提及的是:

D.should be frequently maintained


23. one-sixth

24. 16 century

25. Gerald Mercator

26. Jonh Gould

Passage 3

题目:Amusia 失歌症

题型:4 判断题+ 5 选择题+5 配对题



Amusia is a musical disorder that appears mainly as a defect in processing pitch, but it also encompasses musical memory and recognition. Two main classifications of amusia exist: acquired amusia, which occurs as a result of brain damage, and congenital amusia, which results from a music processing anomaly at birth.

Studies have shown that congenital amusia is a deficit in fine- grained pitch discrimination and that 4% of the population suffers from this disorder. Acquired amusia, on the other hand, may take several forms. Patients with brain damage may experience the loss of ability to produce musical sounds while sparing speech, much like aphasics lose speech selectively but can sometimes still sing. Other forms of amusia may affect specific sub-processes of music processing. Current research has demonstrated between rhythm, melody and emotional processing of music, and amusia may include impairment Symptoms.

Symptoms of amusia are generally categorized as receptive, clinical, or mixed. Symptoms of receptive amusia, sometimes referred to as "musical deafness", include the inability to recognize familiar melodies, the loss of ability to read musical notation, and the inability to detect wrong or out-of tune notes. Clinical, or expressive, symptoms include the loss of ability to sing, write musical notation, and/or play an instrument. A mixed disorder would be a combination of expressive and receptive impairment.

Clinical symptoms of acquired amusia are much more variable than those of congenital amusia and are determined by the location and nature of the lesion. Brain injuries may afflict motor or expressive functioning, including the ability to sing, whistle, or hum a tune (oral-expressive amusia), the ability to play an instrument (instrumental amusia or musical apraxia), and the ability to write music (musical agraphia). Additionally, brain damage to the receptive dimension affects the faculty to discriminate tunes (receptive or sensorial amusia), the ability to read music (musical alessia), and the ability to identify songs that were familiar prior to the brain damage (amnesic amusia).

Research suggests that patients with amusia also have difficulty when it comes to spatial processing. Amusics performed more quickly than normal individuals on a combined task of both spatial and musical processing tasks, which is most likely due to their deficit. Normal individuals experience interference due to their intact processing of both musical and spatial tasks, while amusics do not. Pitch processing normally depends on the cognitive mechanisms that are usually used to process spatial representations.

Those with congenital amusia show impaired performance on discrimination, identification and imitation of sentences with intonational differences in pitch direction in their final word. This suggests that amusia can in subtle ways impair language processing.



27. D:失歌症患者分辨不了音高,听不出熟悉的旋律

28. B:第二段的作用是总结研究内容

29. B:有失歌症的通常也有语言障碍

30. C:作用是 outlining

31. B:失歌症不算是种病

32- 35)判断题

32. 对音乐敏感的人比对音乐不敏感的人快乐:NOT GIVEN

33. 中国人少有音乐缺失症:NOT GIVEN

34. YES

35. NO


36. 一出生对音乐不敏感的原因:E

37. 对音乐不敏感的人在 声音的辨别上:A

38. 对音乐不敏感的人大脑反应:B

39. 在很多国家,音乐的敏感度的重要性:G

40. H


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