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OG剑桥雅思官方指南Test2 Section2听力原文与答


2023-06-28 16:04:30|已浏览:99次

OG剑桥雅思官方指南Test2 Section2听力原文与答案Sea Life Centre?information,今天就来为大家分析这个问题。

Sea Life Centre?information海洋生物中心介绍

OG Test2 Section2听力原文

OK?so hi everybody and welcome to the Sea Life Centre.Before you start on your tour I’d just like to give you some information about things to look out for as you go.Well,first of all,I guess some of you may have been here before and may be surprised to see the name has changed.We are not called World of Water(Q11)anymore?since the beginning of this summer we’ve been renamed and we’ve also made a few other changes.However,the main attractions like the aquarium,the crocodiles,the penguins and so on are still here.But we have a new restaurant and picnic area and the latest thing that we have?and it was only finished last week?is the splash ride(Q12).This is an exciting new area of the center and is pretty scary and of course,you do get a bit wet so make sure you’re not wearing your best clothes!

As I said,the main attractions are still here and the most popular thing that everyone wants to see is feeding time,especially for the crocodiles and the seals.We used to have the main feeding time in the afternoon at around 3 pm but we found that some of the animals got a bit hungry waiting until then and so we now have it at noon(Q13).They seem much happier with the new time?although it’s a bit difficult to know what they’re thinking!

Now?I’d like to mention something new that we’ve introduced this year that we’re very excited about.It’s called a VIP ticket.The VIP ticket costs an extra 2 pounds per person and you will be amazed at what it allows you to do.This article is from website.With this you’ll be allowed to feed the sharks(Q14).Now I know that for some people this might be quite a frightening thing to do,but it is perfectly sale.For those of you who are a bit unsure,we do have a video you can watch to see what happens.It’s a great experience and your friends will be very impressed!

Speaking of friends,I’d just like to remind you that the Sea Life Centre will be more than happy to organize a birthday party(Q15)for you and your family and friends.If you need more details you can speak to me afterwards and there are also forms at the entrance that you can fill in.

I’d also like to bring your attention to the good work that the Sea Lile Centre is doing in support of animal conservation I am sure you’re all aware of the worrying situation with a large number of species facing extinction.Here at the Sea Life Centre,we’re taking action by asking as many people as possible to sign a petition.Once we have over 5,000 signatures we are planning to send it to the government(Q16)in the hope that more people will begin to take it seriously.

Right?well there’s obviously a lot going on at the Centre,and a lot of things to discover.At all the attractions there is helpful information so please read as much as you can and,if you want to see what you’ve remembered,please do the quiz(Q17)after your visit.There are no prizes of course,but I’m sure you’ll be surprised by how much you’ve learned.

So before I leave you all to start your tour.I’ve just got a few tips.There are a large number of attractions and you may not have time to see them all.Of course,there are the old favorites like the Aquarium and the Crocodile Cave but if you don’t have time to see everything make sure you visit Turtle Town(Q18)which is beyond the Aquarium and the Seal Centre.This is very special and has a large number of endangered species,and as it’s at the far corner of the Sea Life Centre it often gets overlooked.I also have to apologize for the Penguin Park(Q19).This has needed some urgent work to be done and so will not be open for the next week.We are very sorry about this but I’m sure you’ll find the Seal Centre which is directly opposite it will keep you entertained just as much?if not more!

We’re also very busy today as you may have noticed on your way in.Everyone starts here at the Aquarium but as it’s so big,there is no waiting to get in.But today we’re expecting a lot of people to want to see the Crocodile Cave(Q20)as a couple of eggs have hatched out.So experts delays there and,if you like,move on to the Seal Center first and then go back when things are quieter,towards the end of the day.

So I’ll leave you now but if you have any questions I won’t be far away and have a great time at the Sea Life Center.

OG Test2 Section2听力答案

11.world of water

12.(the)splash ride

13.(at)noon/midday/12 o’clock/12 pm


15.(a)birthday party






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