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2021-12-14 12:01:26|已浏览:324次





“1)Have strong academic credentials, including cumulative undergraduate grade point and LSAT score;2)Have a broad range of experiences and backgrounds;3)Are members of groups historically underrepresented in the legal profession, including racial and ethnic minorities;4)Are Wisconsin residents”



“Trend of college grades

An applicant who started very poorly in college but performed strongly in later college years may be judged more favorably than another with the same GPA but a level or declining record.”


“Letters of recommendation

A careful, thoughtful letter from a teacher or employer may tell us enough about the intellect, imagination, or diligence of an applicant so that we may judge the applicant's prospects for academic success better than mere numerical factors might suggest.”


“Graduate study

Although the mere experience of graduate study does not, in our judgment, significantly increase the quality of law school performance, strong recent graduate work plus strong LSAT may overcome weaker college grades. Also, an interesting background of graduate study may be a favorable factor in itself.”


“Time interval between college graduation and application to law school

We have some evidence that applicants at least a year out of college, especially those with strong recent LSAT scores, will have a better academic record in law school than their numerical credentials suggest. The post-college experience, whether in work or volunteer activity, may be a favorable factor as well.”


“Quality of applicant's undergraduate institution

Though difficult to measure, the quality of the institution where the applicant earned an undergraduate degree is a relevant factor. We consider any convincing evidence, such as numerical indices supplied by CAS, or information supplied by the applicant.”


“College grading and course selection patterns

We examine transcripts individually. If an applicant has clearly followed an unusually easy or difficult pattern of courses, we try to take it into account. If an otherwise top record combines with poor grades in an exceptionally difficult subject area, we also take that into account.

An occasional college pass-fail grade does not affect our evaluation of the GPA; however, a heavy load of ungraded, pass-fail work undermines whatever GPA remains and creates need for careful and candid letters of evaluation from college teachers of the applicant.”


“Outside work while in college

A full-time or extra-heavy part-time work load (or, rarely, an extraordinarily heavy load of extracurricular activity) may suggest that the applicant would have had a better GPA with lesser load. We consider this factor in close cases.”


“Writing sample

The LSAT includes a short spontaneous essay that is sent to law schools. Writing is so important to law study that we may give weight to this sample if it shows exceptional writing skill or weakness.”


“Unusual cultural background

Our quest for diversity gives some advantage to fully qualified applicants from unusual or disadvantaged backgrounds.”


“Geographical diversity

Other factors being equal, a fully qualified applicant from an area of the country, or an area of Wisconsin, relatively unrepresented in our student body will receive slight preference in selection.”


“Acceptance in a prior year

Acceptance at the UW Law School is valid only for the year for which accepted even if the circumstances preventing attendance were beyond the applicant's control. However, if circumstances beyond the applicant's control prevented enrollment, this fact will be one factor in the applicant's favor on subsequent application.”


“Diversity of experience or background

A background of work experience, life experience, college activity, political activity, etc., that adds an additional or unusual perspective to the law school student body may work in the applicant's favor.”


“Diversity of stated professional goals

Our application form gives applicants an opportunity to express their reasons for studying law. We prefer an entering class made up of individuals with many different reasons for being here.

For example, if most of our applicants say they want to use their legal training to be social reformers, a plus may go to the applicant who wants to be a small-town practitioner.”



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