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地址:中国上海市闵行区马桥镇, 茜浦泾路2000号




课程详情 学校简介 学校地址 网上报名

关键词:德威国际学校IB课程 德国留学 培训课程

Detur Pons Mundo: Building Bridges to the World.

Dulwich College Shanghai aspires to be respected internationally as a community committed to developing individuals who see and act ethically upon the breadth of opportunity the world presents.

Our Philosophy and Objectives.

At Dulwich College Shanghai, we:

Develop the complete individual.

Challenge individuals to strive for excellence.

Encourage respectful collaboration.

Celebrate the diversity of our community.

Are committed to developing charitable and compassionate individuals who are willing to contribute to the community.

Provide individuals with the skills and outlook to live and work in all areas of the globe.

Prepare individuals to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.

Aim to develop confident individuals prepared to take risks.

College Values.

At Dulwich College Shanghai, our College Values embody our Philosophy and Objectives. We aim to develop well-rounded young people who strive for excellence in all that they do and are well equipped for future success through being:

Academically successful

Effective learners

Effective communicators

Principle-centred members of society

Balanced individuals


The IB Diploma Programme at DCS (DP)

The International Baccalaureate (or IBO), founded in 1968, is a nonprofit educational organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland. The IBO is a recognised leader in the field of international education and is currently working with 3,500 schools in 143 countries to develop and offer IB programmes to more than 1,064, 000 students aged 3 to 19 years.

The Diploma Programme is a challenging two-year programme of international education for students aged 16 to 19 years old.

The IB Diploma Programme prepares students for university and life in a global society and encourages them to:

Ask challenging questions

Learn how to learn

Develop a strong sense of identity and culture

Develop the ability to communicate and understand people from other countries and cultures.

The IB Learner Profile

The aim of all the IB Programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. The learner profile is best described by a set of learner attributes. The table below shows how each of the attributes relates to and is encompassed within our own College Values.

DCS ValuesIB Learner Profile Attributes

Academically successfulKnowledgeable

Effective learnersThinkers

Effective communicatorsCommunicators

Principle-centred members of societyOpen-minded

Balanced individualsBalanced

By embracing our College Values, students at DCS are therefore developing as IB Learners.

The Curriculum

The curriculum contains six subject groups together with a core made up of three components - Creativity, Action, Service (CAS), Theory of Knowledge (ToK) and the Extended Essay (EE).

Students study six subjects, one from each of the five groups:

Studies in Language and Literature

Language Acquisition

Individuals and Societies



And either one subject from the Arts or a second subject from those above.





德威学校是英国更古老的私立男子学校之一,1619年始创于伦敦南部。德威教育集团(DCI)的成立,将德威教育的办学理念延伸至全球。如今,德威已成为发展更快的英国独立学校集团之一。通过德威教育集团,德威学校进入亚洲已经有十多年历史,我们的教育以追求卓著的学术成果和全面发展的个体著称,在东西方的社区间架设起沟通的桥梁。上海德威是卓绝个加入德威国际学校大家庭的。如今,德威学校的网络已经拓展至五个guojia的八个城市,拥有7200多名学生,包括在伦敦, 北京, 苏州, 首尔, 新加坡和仰光开办的国际学校以及在苏州与珠海开办的国际高中。

  • 学校名称:上海德威英国国际学校


    授课地址:中国上海市闵行区马桥镇, 茜浦泾路2000号 预约参观